Congratulations Arthur on your first publication. I look forward to your words of wisdom shared with me so many times over email. Now is the time to share your valuable insight with many others.

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Thank you! I thank Charlotte Iserbyt for introducing us to each other 30 months ago. It will take awhile for me to become comfortable being 'Arthur' vs. A. J.

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well put.

I was also dismayed by the list of options under which to classify citizens as "domestic terrorists" when I first saw it.

Surprised, I was not. Been watching that downhill slide since hearing about the Feds raiding the CSA (Covenant, Sword, and Arm of the Lord) survivalist commune down in south Missouri back before Slick Willie was in the figurehead chair. Feds got involved because the only vehicle access to the commune was through Arkansas and they had well-trapped the woods around the place with a lot of lethality. so no legal or even pseudo legal way for the Missouri cops to sneak in and Arkansas knew better than to touch it. the Feds going after those folks (ostensibly for collecting and stashing weaponry, which they most certainly were doing but isn't illegal) opened the door for both Missouri and Arkansas piggies to oink along in with the Feds on the raid.

never see that one in the news or internet, but locals within a hundred miles knew about it and talked to each other.

I'm sure there lots more examples like it, not even counting some that actually got publicity like Ruby Ridge or Waco.

the "anti crime" bills of the 90s helped codify that sort of behavior into pseudo-law. I say pseudo because they are constitutionally void and are only laws on the surface because the Man gets to use uniformed enforcers to persecute citizens via force. the enforcement increases the perception of legitimacy for those who have no clue.

the gub'mint has been on this warpath a long time, the so-called p.a.t.r.i.o.t. act and the unconstitutional surveillance/enforcement gestapo agencies it created were the giant red flag indicating civilians were no longer legally off limits for surveillance and disappearing.

of course it's one of the prime gestapo gangs making the list (dhs.) their kissing cousin agency (tsa) makes similar profiling handouts. no telling what the NoSuchAgency says internally, their documents don't leak much for some odd reason.

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Unfortunately, I'm confident other such incidents have occurred under the radar. As I have gone through door after door of understanding, I have come to believe the U. S. is the biggest and most steeped in debt banana republic in the world. The White House is a puppet hut, regardless of which party is in power. I believe several (s)elections have occurred with little fanfare. The more the loser comes away with, the more likely the election was stolen. The one exception may have been when the Hillary beast was denied her ordination to the puppet hut. Narcissistic men don't want an equally narcissistic women in the puppet hut, and I believe she stole the primary (s)election from Bernie. He came out well-healed!

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...hi Arthur, here via Karen's substack, good luck on ur endeavors and as Karen has said 'welcome to substack'...ur mention that on an occasion in 2009 u '...felt a presence within your car beyond my presence...' caught my attention...so i got something for u, but first the source, Google 'Outwitting the Devil: Secret Chapter' and through the link u receive a copy of said chapter via Sharon Lechter, here's a link to a pdf of the rest of the book, not including that chapter... http://www.simardartizanfarm.ca/pdf/Hill_Napoleon_-_OUTWITTING_THE_DEVIL.PDF ...naturally, Hill has been the focus of detractors and doubtless he 'was a bit of a character' oi'd say!...however, u may at least share similarities in terms of experience, i leave with this from the fifteen or so pages chapter... The author has for many years followed the habit of taking

personal inventory of himself once a year, for the purpose of

determining how many of his weaknesses he has bridged or

eliminated, and to ascertain what progress, if any, he has

made during the year.

on one of these occasions, before THE LAW oF SuCCESS philosophy

had been reduced to textbooks and published, the inventory showed the

author had not only slowed down during the year, but that he was becoming

indifferent toward himself and toward life. He was scheduled to deliver an

address in ohio, some two hundred miles from his home. The trip was made

by automobile.

on the way the author's “guardian angel” took her place beside him on

the vacant front seat of the car. (This portion of the incident may, if the reader

desires, be attributed entirely to the author’s use of his imagination, or to day-

dreaming, or to any other cause one sees fit.)

The personage on the vacant seat beside the author seemed very real.

There took place, almost immediately after the author observed by his

“feelings” that some force or personality beside his own was in the car, the

following interview, which resulted in the Compact described:

Voice speaking to me from within: you have wasted more of your time

in the past than you have used constructively. How long are you going to

continue this waste?

The author: yes, I know I have wasted too much time. What has been

the cause of this waste, and how can I make amends for it in the future?

Voice from within: The time you have wasted in the main has been the

time you have devoted to thinking and indulging too freely in physical

pleasures. you should make amends for this waste by transmuting this

vital energy into a service to others, through THE LAW oF SuCCESS


The author: Do I understand that my thoughts in the future should be'... sorry, i can't scroll the textbox (t'is the devil altogether! ) to tidy the comment and insert quotation mark etc....

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Thank you for your comments. I have attempted to access the link you provided, but, so far, to no avail.

I know when I mention my experience, most people won't be able to accept what I say. I knew it that day. I get it. They weren't there. Most people believe what they want to believe, what they allow themselves to believe. That is their choice. That doesn't negate what I experienced. Ironically, a few who question what I experienced want me to believe exceptional situations they have experienced. While I wasn't there for their experiences, because they are my friends, I choose to believe them.

For what it is worth, according to the Myers-Briggs personality assessment, I'm an ENFP. I tend to see patterns and connect dots. Growing up in a sensory-dominated world (~ 75%), I tended to limit my natural tendencies. Once I embraced my natural tendencies, I was able to connect dots in my past and have been more open to share my openness to connecting dots and seeing patterns, many with spiritual influences.

I really don't like what I see, going forward without divine intervention saving us from what is planned for us by the global thugs and thuggettes. I know most people want to believe that we can save ourselves at the ballot box. Oh, if only this were possible! We are engaged in a spiritual war, camouflaged as a political war. Does it make any sense believing that those who have labored, intergenerationally, to seize total control over everyone and everything are going to allow one individual to derail their agenda, now, or in the future?

If not, doesn't our hope lie outside what most people are willing to accept?

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... it's a dreadful thought Arthur, our goin grimly 'forward', in a world in which the spiritual dimension is deliberately obfuscated by design, u are however gifted the consolation of ur knowing through ur experiences which u can emphatically trust, they're ur's by virtue of 'inalienable

rights', u've earned them, and my understanding concerning such matters that transcend the apparent physical senses, is that their 'import' revolves about what in the Bible (Ecclesiastes) is referred to as the 'silver cord', which, among it's sensitivities, it connects our physical and the spiritual bodies during our earthly lives, and is more or less finer according to our degree of spiritual development. It's been a long journey coming by this, you may even find it helpful!

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... http://www.simardartizanfarm.ca/pdf/Hill_Napoleon_-_Outwitting_the_devil.pdf ... it works now Arthur, if there's any problem type the title into into Google 'Outwitting the Devil' and the link ought to come up, or paste the link, i'll get back to on ur interesting reply, it's 4am here, and i just saw this!... (edit: it doesn't work, now that i checked, the link is valid however, try Google...)...

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Thank you for the link! Years ago, when I was selling Yellow Pages advertising, I had a bit of a drive from home to our field office. I listened to a Napoleon Hill tape every morning, from home to the office. It helped me focus upon my responsibilities. I look forward to reading this book.

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...ah right, Arthur, delighted that u are familiar with Hill, and u've firm memories of that time, so, i thought i'd pass on one more link, here it is... https://www.law-of-attraction-haven.com/support-files/grow-rich-with-peace-of-mind-hill.pdf ...the important chapter is 12, and here he elaborates on an experience, that u may relate to, it's one of the most important sections of his entire work, i followed through on this, with surprising results, and via several sources including an in depth dive into Yogananda's teachings, in fact, a most important reference of Hill's had been impossible to access, and i was finally led to it through the most

exacting series of intuitions, and their correspondences, that in fact embodied the 'revealed principle' in curiously, what had long proven inaccessible...these things are rather too specific to elaborate, and are the sort of natures of things that are sadly discredited in our times...

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